Who knows?
People are dead, no matter what the flood is.
However, the shark demon also hid his words at this time to recover his injury and energy, because his consumption is also very large, and it is impossible to kill the same order with strong action energy so easily.
But this situation is still worth it.
Andrew’s death did not attract much attention.
Because most ordinary people can’t protect themselves, so they don’t have the heart to pay attention to these things. Even if they see that the dead shark demon will attack humans, they may not know Andrew.
More importantly, they are panicked. They may all be confused at this time.
In addition, members of the fighters’ parliament in Fuzhou, Gali, have fled to the present, and few people will care about the lives of these ordinary people.
Naturally, it aggravated the loss this time.
Not long after that, the king of haijing appeared.
A siren who is comparable to the senior King Wu Zongwang, but the energy he ejects is more horrible than the so-called demon energy.
More powerful and pure
Naturally, the energy emitted by King haijing knocked down several high-rise buildings in an instant and killed several people in California and Fuzhou in hiding.
The more people there are, the happier he becomes.
The more excited and frequent the destruction.
For example, some large supermarkets and shopping centers are his key targets, and his attacks on buildings with huge size may be worse than the so-called tofu.
Fall down at the touch
Those high-rise buildings are his toys, and his energy is sprayed into several toys.
It is also a prop to kill several people.
Because he knocked down those buildings and other high-rise buildings, there were many people in them, and some people would be crushed to death on the spot, while others were lucky enough to survive.
But people are very scared at this time, and they will scream and cry, even if there are some strong people. This is a minority, and there are also great fears in my heart.
No one is afraid of death before a crisis.
If you are not afraid of death, it may be some robots without feelings.
Kalun building
The building built by a Karen is also a famous shopping center in Fuzhou, Gali.
When the siren invaded Gali Fuzhou with the tsunami, many people went shopping here.
However, a small number of people quickly left here after learning the news.
And more people stayed here.
Because there is a lot of food in this shopping center, even if the tsunami and typhoon come, they will not starve to death. If the siren comes, they can’t hide anywhere, can they?
At the same time, I think those fighters in the Fuzhou Parliament in California will help them resist those siren, right?
So many people think.
I left here.
However, they didn’t understand how terrible the so-called siren invasion was when they received some news from the TV station. That huge whale was wrapped in waves and hurricanes more than ten meters high.
Let them have a sense of strength one by one.
The houses in the news screen were washed down by waves and hurricanes, and not only that, but the siren made their fear reach a peak.
What would happen if everyone wanted so many powerful creatures to attack them?
So these humans panicked.
However, the idea of playing these videos in a news screen is to let the people of California and Fuzhou know how terrible these siren creatures are and let them be careful.
At the same time, let other people in Sam know what terrible creatures these siren are.
We’ll kill these siren later.
More importantly, this is what Harry Morgan, the state speaker, meant. What does he think? No one dares to ask, even if he tries to figure it out.
Then many ordinary people have seen these news.
It caused great panic.
Chapter five hundred and ninety-nine Archangel
Karen building
"honey, are we goe to die?" In Karen Shopping Center, a young couple hugged each other and were dispersed by the crowd.
Because at this moment, there are a steady stream of human beings coming in this direction
Almost allowed in and not allowed out.
And those food words have also been plundered by many people in California. When danger comes, the so-called personal qualities are worthless at this time.
After the crisis is over, they can go to welfare homes or donate money to do some charity.
"I don’t think so, but we have a powerful Lord Morgan in California, and they will bless us." The young man comforted his girlfriend, but he didn’t have a bottom in his heart
Later, with the growing panic, especially when it was confirmed that the siren had come towards the city center.
Many people in California can’t help it.
The looting of food is very serious, and some people have even started killing people for fear of chaos.
Sam can’t help but use hot weapons. Some of them will also carry these deadly things with them for self-defense, but they may become deadly weapons to attack others when defending themselves.
So in this shopping center
Guns, cries, screams, begging for mercy.
The ugliness of human nature can be seen at this moment.

Even some people may not know that he is dead, so will anyone in the post-Gali Fuzhou judgment rumor that he is a deserter?

Even some people may not know that he is dead, so will anyone in the post-Gali Fuzhou judgment rumor that he is a deserter?
Who knows?
People are dead, no matter what the flood is.
However, the shark demon also hid his words at this time to recover his injury and energy, because his consumption is also very large, and it is impossible to kill the same order with strong action energy so easily.
But this situation is still worth it.
Andrew’s death did not attract much attention.
Because most ordinary people can’t protect themselves, so they don’t have the heart to pay attention to these things. Even if they see that the dead shark demon will attack humans, they may not know Andrew.
More importantly, they are panicked. They may all be confused at this time.
In addition, members of the fighters’ parliament in Fuzhou, Gali, have fled to the present, and few people will care about the lives of these ordinary people.
Naturally, it aggravated the loss this time.
Not long after that, the king of haijing appeared.
A siren who is comparable to the senior King Wu Zongwang, but the energy he ejects is more horrible than the so-called demon energy.
More powerful and pure
Naturally, the energy emitted by King haijing knocked down several high-rise buildings in an instant and killed several people in California and Fuzhou in hiding.
The more people there are, the happier he becomes.
The more excited and frequent the destruction.
For example, some large supermarkets and shopping centers are his key targets, and his attacks on buildings with huge size may be worse than the so-called tofu.
Fall down at the touch
Those high-rise buildings are his toys, and his energy is sprayed into several toys.
It is also a prop to kill several people.
Because he knocked down those buildings and other high-rise buildings, there were many people in them, and some people would be crushed to death on the spot, while others were lucky enough to survive.
But people are very scared at this time, and they will scream and cry, even if there are some strong people. This is a minority, and there are also great fears in my heart.
No one is afraid of death before a crisis.
If you are not afraid of death, it may be some robots without feelings.
Kalun building
The building built by a Karen is also a famous shopping center in Fuzhou, Gali.
When the siren invaded Gali Fuzhou with the tsunami, many people went shopping here.
However, a small number of people quickly left here after learning the news.
And more people stayed here.
Because there is a lot of food in this shopping center, even if the tsunami and typhoon come, they will not starve to death. If the siren comes, they can’t hide anywhere, can they?
At the same time, I think those fighters in the Fuzhou Parliament in California will help them resist those siren, right?
So many people think.
I left here.
However, they didn’t understand how terrible the so-called siren invasion was when they received some news from the TV station. That huge whale was wrapped in waves and hurricanes more than ten meters high.
Let them have a sense of strength one by one.
The houses in the news screen were washed down by waves and hurricanes, and not only that, but the siren made their fear reach a peak.
What would happen if everyone wanted so many powerful creatures to attack them?
So these humans panicked.
However, the idea of playing these videos in a news screen is to let the people of California and Fuzhou know how terrible these siren creatures are and let them be careful.
At the same time, let other people in Sam know what terrible creatures these siren are.
We’ll kill these siren later.
More importantly, this is what Harry Morgan, the state speaker, meant. What does he think? No one dares to ask, even if he tries to figure it out.
Then many ordinary people have seen these news.
It caused great panic.
Chapter five hundred and ninety-nine Archangel
Karen building
"honey, are we goe to die?" In Karen Shopping Center, a young couple hugged each other and were dispersed by the crowd.
Because at this moment, there are a steady stream of human beings coming in this direction
Almost allowed in and not allowed out.
And those food words have also been plundered by many people in California. When danger comes, the so-called personal qualities are worthless at this time.
After the crisis is over, they can go to welfare homes or donate money to do some charity.
"I don’t think so, but we have a powerful Lord Morgan in California, and they will bless us." The young man comforted his girlfriend, but he didn’t have a bottom in his heart
Later, with the growing panic, especially when it was confirmed that the siren had come towards the city center.
Many people in California can’t help it.
The looting of food is very serious, and some people have even started killing people for fear of chaos.
Sam can’t help but use hot weapons. Some of them will also carry these deadly things with them for self-defense, but they may become deadly weapons to attack others when defending themselves.
So in this shopping center
Guns, cries, screams, begging for mercy.
The ugliness of human nature can be seen at this moment.
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夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华的都市再次焕发出它独特的魅力。在这座不夜城,夜生活嗨翻全场的盛宴正在上演,让人流连忘返。 首先,上海的夜生活场所琳琅满目,从繁华的南京路步行街到时尚的静安区,从古色古香的豫园到现代化的陆家嘴,每一个角落都充满了活力。酒吧、俱乐部、KTV、电影院、美食街,应有尽有,满足各类人群的需求。 在酒吧一条街,你可以尽情享受各种音乐风格,从爵士、摇滚到电子,应有尽有。在这里,你可以与朋友畅饮,也可以邂逅心仪的TA。夜幕下,酒吧的霓虹灯闪烁,映照出一张张欢乐的笑脸。 俱乐部则是年轻人释放激情的场所。在这里,你可以随着音乐的节奏舞动身体,感受音乐的力量。各种主题派对、DJ现场表演,让你沉浸在欢乐的海洋中。 KTV更是家庭、朋友聚会的好去处。在欢快的歌声中,大家尽情释放压力,享受欢乐时光。而美食则是夜生活的灵魂。在上海,你可以品尝到各式各样的美食,从正宗的上海菜到世界各地的特色小吃,满足你的味蕾。 此外,上海的夜生活节也让人期待。2023上海夜生活节以“燃情盛夏夜市轰趴”为主题,吸引了众多年轻人前来参与。在BFC外滩枫径举办的OPEN NIGHT开夜大集,汇集了40家代表性品牌,让人目不暇接。全家便利店与夜市跨界合作,首次把“emo深夜食堂”带到了活动现场,为年轻人提供独特的夜宵体验。 浦东的夜生活地标——MEGA酒吧,更是为这座城市增添了无尽的活力。其独特的工业风科幻设计,让人仿佛置身于未来世界。在这里,你可以尽情释放自己,享受夜生活的狂欢。 当然,上海的夜生活不仅仅局限于室内。在欢乐谷,你可以感受夜场的欢乐氛围。旋转木马、激流勇进、梦幻陀螺等项目在夜幕下更加刺激。而《天幕水极》这一大型跨媒体实景水秀,更是让人陶醉其中。 总之,上海的夜生活嗨翻全场的盛宴,让人流连忘返。无论是与朋友狂欢,还是独自品味,这里都能满足你的需求。在这座不夜城,让我们一起尽情享受这激情四溢的夜晚吧!