He has long concluded that Japanese hybrids are of Japanese descent, but what about that? They are also descended from the four dragon kings.
If you don’t betray the human dragon, it’s his friend’s Japanese branch that did well in the early years … but it’s not doing very well now.
What is the communication of three generations?
Anger, a pair of harsh golden pupils looked out of the window on a sunny day, and his face showed an intriguing smile.
Chapter sixty-nine Let’s go trio!
Lu Chen left the principal’s office and went straight to the Lionheart meeting.
The members of the Lionheart detention center in the Amber Museum stopped their work when they saw the arrival of the president. This is a living novelty. Three generations of pure blood dragon presidents have already cracked down on two!
When Lu Chen came to the president’s office, he saw Chu Hang and his partner had already gone home after execution. It’s the Spring Festival in a few days, so it’s no problem if he doesn’t go home.
But when he saw Chuhang’s harsh golden pupils, he knew that the other party had not gone home directly.
"What’s the matter? Didn’t I tell you that technology can’t be messed up? "
Lu Chen’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. Chu Hang is obviously not the kind of person who thinks it is cool to have a golden pupil on. Then there must be something wrong with him now.
Chuhang is one of his few friends in the world, and he knows that once the technology of violent blood is used, there is no brake.
Judging from Chu Hang’s body, he is not only yes but also many times! He has never seen such a serious phenomenon in some experts who have mastered the violent blood, even the golden pupil is closed.
"I’m in trouble this time, so it’s dangerous not to burst into blood."
Chuhang’s tone was calm and his face was paralyzed, like saying that what happened to him was a trivial matter.
"Hey, what did the college say?"
Lu Chen sighed. He should have expected that Chu Hang was a stubborn person despite his few words and facial paralysis. Since he decided to pursue the technology of strengthening strength, he would sooner or later
"The tutor helped me to press it."
Chuhang said that he also approved a document, which is really a conscientious and good "president". Let Liu Chen go aside.
"It’s the Spring Festival in a few days, right? How are you going to go back to see your parents like this?"
Lu Chen pulled a stool aside and moved a stack of documents, all of which were submitted by various societies in Lionheart in the first quarter.
"Just bring a Cosmetic Contact Lenses. I just got an email from Norma and I don’t seem to go home."
Lu Chen took out his mobile phone and saw that the secret party had come. It was really vigorous and vigorous. After sunrise, the hair did not consider that one of the commissioners should go home for the New Year.
"So your parents have no opinion?"
Lu Chen wondered that although he had no parents, he felt that his parents and children would have grievances if they didn’t come back for the New Year.
ChuHang correcting files hand stopped "dad said a few words of my mother there is ok …"
After thinking about it, he added, "I heard that I organized a club to travel to Japan and asked me to bring her some daily skin care."
"Aunt’s heart is big."
Liu Chen laughed
"Mom, she always has a big heart and a good heart …" Chuhang paused. "… there won’t be too much trouble."
Liu Chen put away the desk file and said, "Take a rest. Anyway, these can’t be approved. After school, give them to Susie for our business trip."
Chuhang calculated the remaining workload of the table, and felt that it was unrealistic to deal with it in two days. "I heard that you were invited by the principal for tea again, and you just got back."
"Are those snacks still not full? Do you want to have some real afternoon tea together?"
Lu Chen laughed ChuHang although not too hungry but also nodded his head.
The next morning, Lu Chen arranged his own salute, but there was not much to replace the winter coat and a set of autumn clothes and trousers.
Actually, he is not afraid of the cold at all, but sometimes it is better to look normal.
"Well … younger brother … is this the way?"

As the door closed, I sat alone and stared at the scattered data.

As the door closed, I sat alone and stared at the scattered data.
He has long concluded that Japanese hybrids are of Japanese descent, but what about that? They are also descended from the four dragon kings.
If you don’t betray the human dragon, it’s his friend’s Japanese branch that did well in the early years … but it’s not doing very well now.
What is the communication of three generations?
Anger, a pair of harsh golden pupils looked out of the window on a sunny day, and his face showed an intriguing smile.
Chapter sixty-nine Let’s go trio!
Lu Chen left the principal’s office and went straight to the Lionheart meeting.
The members of the Lionheart detention center in the Amber Museum stopped their work when they saw the arrival of the president. This is a living novelty. Three generations of pure blood dragon presidents have already cracked down on two!
When Lu Chen came to the president’s office, he saw Chu Hang and his partner had already gone home after execution. It’s the Spring Festival in a few days, so it’s no problem if he doesn’t go home.
But when he saw Chuhang’s harsh golden pupils, he knew that the other party had not gone home directly.
"What’s the matter? Didn’t I tell you that technology can’t be messed up? "
Lu Chen’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. Chu Hang is obviously not the kind of person who thinks it is cool to have a golden pupil on. Then there must be something wrong with him now.
Chuhang is one of his few friends in the world, and he knows that once the technology of violent blood is used, there is no brake.
Judging from Chu Hang’s body, he is not only yes but also many times! He has never seen such a serious phenomenon in some experts who have mastered the violent blood, even the golden pupil is closed.
"I’m in trouble this time, so it’s dangerous not to burst into blood."
Chuhang’s tone was calm and his face was paralyzed, like saying that what happened to him was a trivial matter.
"Hey, what did the college say?"
Lu Chen sighed. He should have expected that Chu Hang was a stubborn person despite his few words and facial paralysis. Since he decided to pursue the technology of strengthening strength, he would sooner or later
"The tutor helped me to press it."
Chuhang said that he also approved a document, which is really a conscientious and good "president". Let Liu Chen go aside.
"It’s the Spring Festival in a few days, right? How are you going to go back to see your parents like this?"
Lu Chen pulled a stool aside and moved a stack of documents, all of which were submitted by various societies in Lionheart in the first quarter.
"Just bring a Cosmetic Contact Lenses. I just got an email from Norma and I don’t seem to go home."
Lu Chen took out his mobile phone and saw that the secret party had come. It was really vigorous and vigorous. After sunrise, the hair did not consider that one of the commissioners should go home for the New Year.
"So your parents have no opinion?"
Lu Chen wondered that although he had no parents, he felt that his parents and children would have grievances if they didn’t come back for the New Year.
ChuHang correcting files hand stopped "dad said a few words of my mother there is ok …"
After thinking about it, he added, "I heard that I organized a club to travel to Japan and asked me to bring her some daily skin care."
"Aunt’s heart is big."
Liu Chen laughed
"Mom, she always has a big heart and a good heart …" Chuhang paused. "… there won’t be too much trouble."
Liu Chen put away the desk file and said, "Take a rest. Anyway, these can’t be approved. After school, give them to Susie for our business trip."
Chuhang calculated the remaining workload of the table, and felt that it was unrealistic to deal with it in two days. "I heard that you were invited by the principal for tea again, and you just got back."
"Are those snacks still not full? Do you want to have some real afternoon tea together?"
Lu Chen laughed ChuHang although not too hungry but also nodded his head.
The next morning, Lu Chen arranged his own salute, but there was not much to replace the winter coat and a set of autumn clothes and trousers.
Actually, he is not afraid of the cold at all, but sometimes it is better to look normal.
"Well … younger brother … is this the way?"
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夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华的都市再次焕发出它独特的魅力。在这座不夜城,夜生活嗨翻全场的盛宴正在上演,让人流连忘返。 首先,上海的夜生活场所琳琅满目,从繁华的南京路步行街到时尚的静安区,从古色古香的豫园到现代化的陆家嘴,每一个角落都充满了活力。酒吧、俱乐部、KTV、电影院、美食街,应有尽有,满足各类人群的需求。 在酒吧一条街,你可以尽情享受各种音乐风格,从爵士、摇滚到电子,应有尽有。在这里,你可以与朋友畅饮,也可以邂逅心仪的TA。夜幕下,酒吧的霓虹灯闪烁,映照出一张张欢乐的笑脸。 俱乐部则是年轻人释放激情的场所。在这里,你可以随着音乐的节奏舞动身体,感受音乐的力量。各种主题派对、DJ现场表演,让你沉浸在欢乐的海洋中。 KTV更是家庭、朋友聚会的好去处。在欢快的歌声中,大家尽情释放压力,享受欢乐时光。而美食则是夜生活的灵魂。在上海,你可以品尝到各式各样的美食,从正宗的上海菜到世界各地的特色小吃,满足你的味蕾。 此外,上海的夜生活节也让人期待。2023上海夜生活节以“燃情盛夏夜市轰趴”为主题,吸引了众多年轻人前来参与。在BFC外滩枫径举办的OPEN NIGHT开夜大集,汇集了40家代表性品牌,让人目不暇接。全家便利店与夜市跨界合作,首次把“emo深夜食堂”带到了活动现场,为年轻人提供独特的夜宵体验。 浦东的夜生活地标——MEGA酒吧,更是为这座城市增添了无尽的活力。其独特的工业风科幻设计,让人仿佛置身于未来世界。在这里,你可以尽情释放自己,享受夜生活的狂欢。 当然,上海的夜生活不仅仅局限于室内。在欢乐谷,你可以感受夜场的欢乐氛围。旋转木马、激流勇进、梦幻陀螺等项目在夜幕下更加刺激。而《天幕水极》这一大型跨媒体实景水秀,更是让人陶醉其中。 总之,上海的夜生活嗨翻全场的盛宴,让人流连忘返。无论是与朋友狂欢,还是独自品味,这里都能满足你的需求。在这座不夜城,让我们一起尽情享受这激情四溢的夜晚吧!