Then captain Mu Yi took out a simple map, cut the exploration area into four parts and designated the four groups of exploration areas one by one.
This time, everyone will naturally have no different opinions on the distribution area. After all, it is an unknown area, and everyone’s difficulty and probability of finding cracks are the same.
They gave each other an encouraging look and headed for their own area.
"I’ll head ahead, so you stay close to me." Wei Youfang looked at the road ahead and turned to look at Mu Yi and said.
"Ha-ha, don’t underestimate me. Although I am a mage, I am also a senior donkey friend. This barren mountain is really too familiar to me." Mu Yi laughed and knew that this was Wei Youfang’s kindness.
"Well, let’s get together. There should be nothing seeping out of this crack. It’s still very safe outside." Wei Youfang smiled and didn’t insist too much. After all, barren hills are dangerous places for ordinary people, but for a guy with inhuman power like Wei Youfang, it’s not even a stomach dish
I was so concerned about the personnel arrangement before I longed for it. The main reason was that I was afraid of what would happen when the crack team met the crack. After all, no one knew what the crack looked like and what was going on around the crack. Naturally, I should be cautious.
In the afternoon, when the sky gradually changed, Wei Youfang’s desire stopped.
Since the seven-day deadline has been given, I think the crack should not be too close, and the chance of finding it on the first afternoon is not great.
The players didn’t expect to find a place on the first day. This afternoon, it was more for everyone to get familiar with their partners and the skills of exploring barren hills as soon as possible.
They ate some dry food, and then found a sheltered rock wall to sit on.
"Wei Youfang, I’ve always been curious. You always say that you are a soldier, but I don’t think you are anything like Liu Yun." Mu Yi adjusted her sitting posture to make herself sit more comfortable.
Wei Youfang is embarrassed. He is really far from Liu Yun, and he doesn’t know what kind he belongs to.
So Wei Youfang scratched his head.
"I, I probably belong to the weapons war," Wei Youfang said awkwardly.
"Oh, what do I say? You two used to be a shield warrior and a weapon war." Mu Yi nodded.
Wei Youfang doesn’t know what Mu Yi thinks, but he is embarrassed himself.
The reason for the embarrassment is, of course, because he doesn’t know what to call his profession, and others’ professions are so cool, but he can’t tell the specific types, so he can just say a word about a soldier.
The embarrassment didn’t last long, and Mu Yi also saw that Wei Youfang didn’t change the subject of the horse.
In this way, the two chatted again, and suddenly the night passed quickly.
The next day, all the staff got up early and headed for them or their fate together.
Chapter 22 Variation
In this way, the first two days passed quietly.
They were not surprised by such a calm day.
Because they know that the third day is the day they really should pay attention to.
"From today on, everyone should be more careful in their search," Mu Yi said.
All the players echoed in the intercom.
Although there are walkie-talkies to help people communicate, there is no obstacle, but the atmosphere is still very depressing, and no one chats through walkie-talkies
It looks unremarkable, but it makes everyone feel heavy.
The fourth night was full of stars.
Wei Youfang has insomnia.
As the deadline comes, everyone is getting closer and closer to the location.
Looking at the sleeping Mu Yi Wei Youfang shook his head and got up.
No portable lamps
Wei Youfang wandered around in the dark.
The moon willows are topped with a breeze.
Idiot can’t sleep at night, I don’t know who my heart is going to.
"uh ~"
A strange growl sounded from behind Wei Youfang.
Wei Youfang suddenly turned his head.
Wei Youfang, a small beast the size of a pug, roared towards Wei Youfang behind him.
Small animals not only look like dogs, but also look a little similar to dogs, but their appearance is fiercer than Wei Youfang’s common pet dogs, and their teeth seem to be sharper.
Wei Youfang saw the little beast behind him with a little peace of mind.
This may be a barren mountain beast.
Wei Youfang bared his teeth at the beast to scare it away.
But the beast obviously doesn’t like Wei Youfang.
Instead of retreating, I tried to rush forward for two times.
Wei Youfang also able to shrug off ha ha a smile.
Don’t say it’s a beast, even if it’s a beast, Wei Youfang won’t care now
Wei Youfang has no interest in continuing to play with this beast, leaving a dead tree branch and waving two at the beast.
The beast doesn’t seem to be sure to take Wei Youfang and see Wei Youfang threatening himself. He even yi tooth and ran back with his tail between his legs.
The beast’s sixth sense is really terrible. He ran away knowing that Wei Youfang had the ability to hurt his life.

Then there was a pre-war mobilization. Although we were still affected by the immortality of some unknown players, the overall mentality was much stronger than last night.

Then there was a pre-war mobilization. Although we were still affected by the immortality of some unknown players, the overall mentality was much stronger than last night.
Then captain Mu Yi took out a simple map, cut the exploration area into four parts and designated the four groups of exploration areas one by one.
This time, everyone will naturally have no different opinions on the distribution area. After all, it is an unknown area, and everyone’s difficulty and probability of finding cracks are the same.
They gave each other an encouraging look and headed for their own area.
"I’ll head ahead, so you stay close to me." Wei Youfang looked at the road ahead and turned to look at Mu Yi and said.
"Ha-ha, don’t underestimate me. Although I am a mage, I am also a senior donkey friend. This barren mountain is really too familiar to me." Mu Yi laughed and knew that this was Wei Youfang’s kindness.
"Well, let’s get together. There should be nothing seeping out of this crack. It’s still very safe outside." Wei Youfang smiled and didn’t insist too much. After all, barren hills are dangerous places for ordinary people, but for a guy with inhuman power like Wei Youfang, it’s not even a stomach dish
I was so concerned about the personnel arrangement before I longed for it. The main reason was that I was afraid of what would happen when the crack team met the crack. After all, no one knew what the crack looked like and what was going on around the crack. Naturally, I should be cautious.
In the afternoon, when the sky gradually changed, Wei Youfang’s desire stopped.
Since the seven-day deadline has been given, I think the crack should not be too close, and the chance of finding it on the first afternoon is not great.
The players didn’t expect to find a place on the first day. This afternoon, it was more for everyone to get familiar with their partners and the skills of exploring barren hills as soon as possible.
They ate some dry food, and then found a sheltered rock wall to sit on.
"Wei Youfang, I’ve always been curious. You always say that you are a soldier, but I don’t think you are anything like Liu Yun." Mu Yi adjusted her sitting posture to make herself sit more comfortable.
Wei Youfang is embarrassed. He is really far from Liu Yun, and he doesn’t know what kind he belongs to.
So Wei Youfang scratched his head.
"I, I probably belong to the weapons war," Wei Youfang said awkwardly.
"Oh, what do I say? You two used to be a shield warrior and a weapon war." Mu Yi nodded.
Wei Youfang doesn’t know what Mu Yi thinks, but he is embarrassed himself.
The reason for the embarrassment is, of course, because he doesn’t know what to call his profession, and others’ professions are so cool, but he can’t tell the specific types, so he can just say a word about a soldier.
The embarrassment didn’t last long, and Mu Yi also saw that Wei Youfang didn’t change the subject of the horse.
In this way, the two chatted again, and suddenly the night passed quickly.
The next day, all the staff got up early and headed for them or their fate together.
Chapter 22 Variation
In this way, the first two days passed quietly.
They were not surprised by such a calm day.
Because they know that the third day is the day they really should pay attention to.
"From today on, everyone should be more careful in their search," Mu Yi said.
All the players echoed in the intercom.
Although there are walkie-talkies to help people communicate, there is no obstacle, but the atmosphere is still very depressing, and no one chats through walkie-talkies
It looks unremarkable, but it makes everyone feel heavy.
The fourth night was full of stars.
Wei Youfang has insomnia.
As the deadline comes, everyone is getting closer and closer to the location.
Looking at the sleeping Mu Yi Wei Youfang shook his head and got up.
No portable lamps
Wei Youfang wandered around in the dark.
The moon willows are topped with a breeze.
Idiot can’t sleep at night, I don’t know who my heart is going to.
"uh ~"
A strange growl sounded from behind Wei Youfang.
Wei Youfang suddenly turned his head.
Wei Youfang, a small beast the size of a pug, roared towards Wei Youfang behind him.
Small animals not only look like dogs, but also look a little similar to dogs, but their appearance is fiercer than Wei Youfang’s common pet dogs, and their teeth seem to be sharper.
Wei Youfang saw the little beast behind him with a little peace of mind.
This may be a barren mountain beast.
Wei Youfang bared his teeth at the beast to scare it away.
But the beast obviously doesn’t like Wei Youfang.
Instead of retreating, I tried to rush forward for two times.
Wei Youfang also able to shrug off ha ha a smile.
Don’t say it’s a beast, even if it’s a beast, Wei Youfang won’t care now
Wei Youfang has no interest in continuing to play with this beast, leaving a dead tree branch and waving two at the beast.
The beast doesn’t seem to be sure to take Wei Youfang and see Wei Youfang threatening himself. He even yi tooth and ran back with his tail between his legs.
The beast’s sixth sense is really terrible. He ran away knowing that Wei Youfang had the ability to hurt his life.
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夜幕降临,华灯初上,繁华的上海展现出它独有的魅力。在这个快节奏的城市中,人们的生活压力越来越大,寻找一种放松身心的方式显得尤为重要。SPA,作为一种集养生、美容、休闲于一体的综合性服务,逐渐成为都市人群释放压力的新宠。 夜晚的上海,SPA中心犹如一颗颗璀璨的明珠,散发着诱人的光芒。走进这些优雅的场所,仿佛置身于一个与世隔绝的宁静世界。在这里,你可以尽情享受专业的技师带来的按摩、温泉、桑拿、水疗浴池等多种服务,让身心得到彻底的放松。 按摩,是SPA中最受欢迎的项目之一。技师们运用熟练的手法,通过对肌肉的按压、揉捏、拉伸,缓解身体的疲劳,消除肌肉紧张。在柔和的音乐和舒适的氛围中,你仿佛进入了一个梦幻般的境界,所有的烦恼和压力都烟消云散。 温泉,是SPA的另一大亮点。温泉水中含有多种对人体有益的矿物质,具有养生、美容、抗衰老等多种功效。在温泉中泡浴,不仅能舒缓肌肉,还能促进血液循环,提高免疫力。同时,温泉的温热还能加速新陈代谢,让肌肤更加紧致有弹性。 桑拿,是SPA中的一种热疗方式。在高温的环境中,身体会大量出汗,从而达到排毒、减肥、改善肤质的效果。桑拿还能促进血液循环,增强心肺功能,提高身体的抗病能力。 水疗浴池,是SPA中的一项特色服务。通过水流的力量,对人体进行全方位的按摩,既能放松肌肉,又能促进血液循环。在水疗浴池中,你可以感受到水流轻柔地拂过肌肤,仿佛置身于大自然之中。 除了这些传统的服务,上海SPA中心还推出了许多独具特色的护理项目,如热石按摩、身体去角质、面部护理等。这些项目不仅能够改善肌肤的质感,还能促进血液循环,提高免疫力。 在繁忙的都市生活中,给自己一段专属的SPA时光,是一种难得的享受。夜晚的上海,SPA中心成为了人们释放压力、寻找心灵慰藉的港湾。在这里,你可以暂时忘却生活的喧嚣,沉浸在宁静与舒适之中,重新找回内心的平衡和能量。 总之,夜上海,SPA释放压力,成为都市人群追求美好生活的新方式。在这个充满魅力的城市中,让我们一同走进SPA的世界,感受它带来的身心愉悦,享受属于自己的美好时光。