See the Yugoslav capital army looked at multiplier straight frown a lot of plough temple soldiers lowered his head to suppress yoshimitsu eyes.

Unexpectedly, the city guards did not ask, but looked solemn at them and said, "You are not ordinary businessmen and don’t want to ask, but Wanbao City has its own regulations that these instruments are not allowed to enter the city."
"Warships can stop outside the city and must report daily to do business in the city, but if you want to make trouble, you should consider it!"
After a warning, the city guards quickly left.
General Xiao Yuan sneered, "The road is not deep, but the tone is not small. If we wait for trouble, can we stop it with these broken ships?"
Sanyang Tianwang glanced coldly and scolded, "You can tell from tens of thousands of miles apart that my ordinary merchant ships must have amazing instruments."
"And if this large array inspires the whole city, it will immediately disappear, and there is no power in the shadows. What confidence do you have to look down on others?"
An attack of words made Xiao Yuan’s eyes ashamed and hurriedly bowed his head and said, "Beizhi is wrong."
The king of Sanyang shook his head. "Once the highest heaven temple was gone, don’t underestimate the hero of heaven because of its false reputation."
Then he asked inquiringly, "Can Jiuyuan Xinghai make such a city consume a lot of profits in this Wanbao City?"
The detective replied, "There are all kinds of spirits in Wanbaoge in the city that can be traded. Wanbaoge wants to take one out of ten when it is fair, and those who ensure that both sides are not fair will bear all the losses."
Sanyang Tianwang suddenly realized that "it turns out that what they sell is really nothing more important than An Xinghai"
"Xiao Yuan’s fleet will be trimmed outside the city, and be careful to prevent conflicts between people. Come with me to check it out in the city."
"It’s the leader!"
Arrange Sanyang Tianwang to enter Wanbaocheng with several agents.
See a meteorite floating mountain strewn at random with all kinds of shops, halls and pavilions, covering nine days and three worlds, and there is another sense of beauty in the style confusion around.
Here, businesses mainly focus on spiritual materials, elixir instruments and even merchants who specialize in selling classics and repairing floating boats form their own gathering areas.
People in the street shuttled back and forth, including real immortals, ghosts and monks, and many ethnic mixed restaurants and inns came in and out.
Of course, the largest building is Wanbaoge, where businessmen and guards are all experts, but no one dares to make trouble.
Everyone will know why when they see it.
The card outside Wanbaoge is full of all kinds of rewards for killing people in downtown areas, defrauding property and robbing people.
Many fierce monks are whispering around, which is obviously for this line of work.
The central Juntian is the center of the Three Realms, and the highest position is the highest. What kind of prosperity people have never seen, but the sight before them still gives them a strange feeling.
Seemingly chaotic but full of peace.
Sanyang Tianwang is more and more interested in entering the Wanbaoge Hall, and a whole huge jade plate comes into view.
Light and shadow fills the air to display all kinds of spiritual material purchase information.
Next to explore the low road, "I have carefully studied the five-obsidian star stone, the cave secluded stone, the dry yangtiemu, and the moonlit Shenmu … all of them have long-term purchases."
Sanyang Tianwang’s eyes narrowed when he heard this.
He’s experienced and trained not to talk nonsense, but to pick out important information from complex information.
Facing these spiritual materials, all the heaven are in short supply, which is often in the military.
The appearance of the hollow yangtiemu made him more alert.
This thing is the basic spiritual material for manufacturing Japanese warships. Few people know it, but the highest plough hall is not secret.
Who is behind the scenes of Wanbao City?
Bang! Bang! Bang!
He wondered that the bell rang all over the city.
The hall was in a mess. Some people stepped back and closed their eyes, while the masters rushed out of the door.
The agent hurriedly said, "This is another feature of Wanbao City. The address they chose happens to be the travel route of Star God."
"At this time, those who are not good at it will avoid being disturbed by the avenue, and those who are fascinated will take the opportunity to understand."
"Oh, I’m going to see it."
Sanyang Tianwang strode out with a bright eye.
His practice is the sun, the emperor, the Tao, the three Chen, and he is naturally interested in each other.
Out of the gate, I saw a magnificent starlight coming from the west, and the bright silver awn filled the whole world instantly.
Several agents and QinBing hurriedly closed their eyes.
They are not only unable to see anything, but also may be possessed.
The king of Sanyang is not afraid.
His eyes pupil fierce sun burning suddenly through the harsh starlight to see the number of light and shadow method.
First of all, it is bigger than Kun Peng.
Unlike Wang Xuan, who found the skeleton, these Kun Peng are like whales with wings, their bodies cover the sun, and their skin seems to be inlaid with stars.
There are more than a thousand heads.
They swam through Marlboro, and the scene was magnificent.
However, Sanyang Tianwang’s eyebrows are wrinkly.
That’s not what he wants to see, so must the masters.
Sure enough, I saw the figures in the city foaming at the mouth and being instantly submerged by the splendor.
Master in Wanbao City … So many?

See the Yugoslav capital army looked at multiplier straight frown a lot of plough temple soldiers lowered his head to suppress yoshimitsu eyes.

Unexpectedly, the city guards did not ask, but looked solemn at them and said, "You are not ordinary businessmen and don’t want to ask, but Wanbao City has its own regulations that these instruments are not allowed to enter the city."
"Warships can stop outside the city and must report daily to do business in the city, but if you want to make trouble, you should consider it!"
After a warning, the city guards quickly left.
General Xiao Yuan sneered, "The road is not deep, but the tone is not small. If we wait for trouble, can we stop it with these broken ships?"
Sanyang Tianwang glanced coldly and scolded, "You can tell from tens of thousands of miles apart that my ordinary merchant ships must have amazing instruments."
"And if this large array inspires the whole city, it will immediately disappear, and there is no power in the shadows. What confidence do you have to look down on others?"
An attack of words made Xiao Yuan’s eyes ashamed and hurriedly bowed his head and said, "Beizhi is wrong."
The king of Sanyang shook his head. "Once the highest heaven temple was gone, don’t underestimate the hero of heaven because of its false reputation."
Then he asked inquiringly, "Can Jiuyuan Xinghai make such a city consume a lot of profits in this Wanbao City?"
The detective replied, "There are all kinds of spirits in Wanbaoge in the city that can be traded. Wanbaoge wants to take one out of ten when it is fair, and those who ensure that both sides are not fair will bear all the losses."
Sanyang Tianwang suddenly realized that "it turns out that what they sell is really nothing more important than An Xinghai"
"Xiao Yuan’s fleet will be trimmed outside the city, and be careful to prevent conflicts between people. Come with me to check it out in the city."
"It’s the leader!"
Arrange Sanyang Tianwang to enter Wanbaocheng with several agents.
See a meteorite floating mountain strewn at random with all kinds of shops, halls and pavilions, covering nine days and three worlds, and there is another sense of beauty in the style confusion around.
Here, businesses mainly focus on spiritual materials, elixir instruments and even merchants who specialize in selling classics and repairing floating boats form their own gathering areas.
People in the street shuttled back and forth, including real immortals, ghosts and monks, and many ethnic mixed restaurants and inns came in and out.
Of course, the largest building is Wanbaoge, where businessmen and guards are all experts, but no one dares to make trouble.
Everyone will know why when they see it.
The card outside Wanbaoge is full of all kinds of rewards for killing people in downtown areas, defrauding property and robbing people.
Many fierce monks are whispering around, which is obviously for this line of work.
The central Juntian is the center of the Three Realms, and the highest position is the highest. What kind of prosperity people have never seen, but the sight before them still gives them a strange feeling.
Seemingly chaotic but full of peace.
Sanyang Tianwang is more and more interested in entering the Wanbaoge Hall, and a whole huge jade plate comes into view.
Light and shadow fills the air to display all kinds of spiritual material purchase information.
Next to explore the low road, "I have carefully studied the five-obsidian star stone, the cave secluded stone, the dry yangtiemu, and the moonlit Shenmu … all of them have long-term purchases."
Sanyang Tianwang’s eyes narrowed when he heard this.
He’s experienced and trained not to talk nonsense, but to pick out important information from complex information.
Facing these spiritual materials, all the heaven are in short supply, which is often in the military.
The appearance of the hollow yangtiemu made him more alert.
This thing is the basic spiritual material for manufacturing Japanese warships. Few people know it, but the highest plough hall is not secret.
Who is behind the scenes of Wanbao City?
Bang! Bang! Bang!
He wondered that the bell rang all over the city.
The hall was in a mess. Some people stepped back and closed their eyes, while the masters rushed out of the door.
The agent hurriedly said, "This is another feature of Wanbao City. The address they chose happens to be the travel route of Star God."
"At this time, those who are not good at it will avoid being disturbed by the avenue, and those who are fascinated will take the opportunity to understand."
"Oh, I’m going to see it."
Sanyang Tianwang strode out with a bright eye.
His practice is the sun, the emperor, the Tao, the three Chen, and he is naturally interested in each other.
Out of the gate, I saw a magnificent starlight coming from the west, and the bright silver awn filled the whole world instantly.
Several agents and QinBing hurriedly closed their eyes.
They are not only unable to see anything, but also may be possessed.
The king of Sanyang is not afraid.
His eyes pupil fierce sun burning suddenly through the harsh starlight to see the number of light and shadow method.
First of all, it is bigger than Kun Peng.
Unlike Wang Xuan, who found the skeleton, these Kun Peng are like whales with wings, their bodies cover the sun, and their skin seems to be inlaid with stars.
There are more than a thousand heads.
They swam through Marlboro, and the scene was magnificent.
However, Sanyang Tianwang’s eyebrows are wrinkly.
That’s not what he wants to see, so must the masters.
Sure enough, I saw the figures in the city foaming at the mouth and being instantly submerged by the splendor.
Master in Wanbao City … So many?


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